Phone 615.791.5470
Fax 615.595.0265

Billing Questions: Ryan Stillwell at AMS 615.851.0144
We request you call for urgent matters. Do not use email, fax, or website. Call us directly.

Office hours: 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM North American Central Time Monday – Friday. Saturdays by appointment only.

Please select the appropriate option from the dropdown so we may best know how to respond.

INFO – questions about our program
NEW APPT – when you need a referral
RETURN APPT – to schedule or reschedule
FEEDBACK – about our website
BILLING – billing questions
PATIENT – if you are an existing patient and have a routine medical issue, please include doctor’s name and next appointment date and time.
RX – if you are patient and need a routine prescription refill. Please include doctor’s name, pharmacy number, prescription, strength, how you are taking, and date and time of next appointment. We cannot refill unless you are seeing us regularly.